Maretron J2K100 CANBUS Converter
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If you have a J1939 engine then this is a great way of getting fuel information and other engine parameters easily displayed in one swoop. It does require setting up, using Maretron software, give us a call about this!
Application note can be found here
The Maretron J2K100 attaches directly into J1939 (CANBUS) networks of compatible engines, transmissions, and gensets and converts the J1939 engine data to the NMEA 2000 network. Critical engine, transmission, and genset data is then distributed throughout the vessel over a single cable where it can be monitored by any NMEA 2000 compatible display. All the information you need is available anywhere and everywhere you need it.
The J2K100 only monitors to the J1939 network and not powered by it (power comes from the NMEA 2000 side). The J2K100 does not transmit any information over the CANBUS network so it will not interfere with existing engine control or data in any way.
Types of information transferred depends on what engine is being connected, but usually Fuel flow rates, RPM, Engine Temperatures, loading and hours can be transmitted.
Warning: Improper installation of the Maretron J2K100 may prevent existing engine accessories (i.e., engine gauge displays, key switches, throttle and shift controls, etc.) from working properly. You must have an understanding of J1939 data networks before attempting to install the J2K100.